What's New
This version is designed for

Home Bookkeeping 8 – mobile version for Android!
What it is that we have managed to teach the new Android version of our software:
1. Transaction list windows
Updates: Search, filter, and periods The ability to search and filter using various parameters has been added to all sections of Household Accounting.
2. Quick search across all fields
Updates: Quick search. The new search feature allows you to quickly find any desired entry. You can even do so by typing just a few letters.
3. Multilevel filtering
Updates: Filter across various fields. The new filter allows you to select entries that satisfy several parameters in different fields. You can now select multiple filtering options.
4. Select time period
Updates: Quick period select. This new feature allows you to quickly switch between different periods to display the contents of a table with entries.
5. Select several entries
Updates: Select multiple entries to delete. This new feature allows you to delete multiple entries at once by selecting them in the table. Touch and hold the first desired entry to enter multiple selection mode.
6. Entry management window
Updates: New entry management window. This new feature makes it easier and faster to manage entries. Tap the desired entry to see the management window.
7. Appearance and ease of use
Updates: Updated, modern interface. We have updated all of the controls, making them clearer, simpler, and more intuitive to use, without compromising the core functionality that lets you effectively keep track of your personal finances.
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
What's New:
- Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
What's New:
- Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
What's New:
- Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
What's New:
- Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
What's New:
- Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
What's New:
- Android 13 is now supported
- Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
Stability Improvements and Bug Fixes - Home Bookkeeping is now even more seamless and reliable
Home Bookkeeping 7.1 – mobile version for Android!
Detected bugs have been fixed.
Home Bookkeeping 7 – mobile version for Android!
What it is that we have managed to teach the new Android version of our software:
I. Cryptocurrencies:
If you work with cryptocurrencies, this new feature is for you. 24 most popular cryptocurrencies have been added to the list of currencies in Home Bookkeeping
II. Appearance and usability:
50 new account icons have ben added (MIR, PayPal, new icons and new colors)
III. Android 10 is now supported
Now flagship smartphones and tablets will not be left without our application with Android upgraded on them to version 10.
IV. Detected bugs have been fixed
Home Bookkeeping 6.2 – mobile version for Android!
Detected bugs have been fixed.
Android 9 Pie support!
Now flagship smartphones and tablets will not be left without our application with Android upgraded on them to version 9.
Android 8 Oreo support!
Now flagship smartphones and tablets will not be left without our application because it supports more than 50 varieties of phones from 10 leading manufacturers with Android upgraded on them to version 8.
New, compact account list
Set the "Accounts - Brief" section up in whatever way is most convenient for you. The compact new style can fit more lines on a single screen, since only the names and balances of accounts are displayed.
Improvements and fixes:
We have finally eliminated issues with connecting to Dropbox, and we now use a new algorithm for connecting to WiFi during synchronization. In addition, the new version features of number of improvements that make the application run more stably.
Home Bookkeeping 6.1 – mobile version for Android!
The latest version of Home Bookkeeping for Android now saves you time when logging into and syncing the app, but it's still just as secure! Logging into the app can now be protected not just by a password, but also by a PIN or fingerprint if your device supports this function.
You asked for it, and we did it:
- In all versions for smartphones and tablets you can protect your login information with a PIN code or Touch ID (unlocking via fingerprint scan). This is especially convenient for people who previously used long, complex passwords for security
- Free Home Bookkeeping for Android now has even more value for new users, since you can use three accounts for free instead of two
- In the "Accounts" section the font is now smaller and you can now sort alphabetically or by account number
- In the "Synchronization" section for users of the paid version the synchronization window no longer vanishes if synchronization is not completed
- A problem with synchronizing hidden accounts has also been fixed and the application will no longer "forget" about them
- We have also fixed connecting to Dropbox (for synchronization and backup copying). It doesn't crash anymore!
Home Bookkeeping 6 – mobile version for Android!
Home Bookkeeping version 5 for Android has been helping you deal with your personal finances and family budget for almost 5 years.
New version 6 is released in March, 2017. Download it
free of charge and move your data from the old version within 1 minute!
What it is that we have managed to teach the new Android version of our software:
I. Debtors and Creditors section:
- New: early repayment support. Now Home Bookkeeping can correctly calculate the sums for the early repayment of credits and debts.
- Improvement: repayment of a credit or debt from any account. Suppose you lend money in cash and they repay it to your bank card or in e-money.
- Improvement: A new appearance for the Debtors and Creditors window.
II. Currencies section:
- New: both currencies and precious metals are now supported. If you invest in precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium), you can add them to the list of currencies you use and get their exchange rates right in the application. You can keep track of not only impersonal metal accounts, but also ingots and coins made of metal of high purity you buy in any country and currency by specifying the exchange rate manually.
- Improvement: more currencies can be used now. Version 5 allowed only five currencies to be used, but you can use eight currencies, including precious metals, in version 6.
III. Appearance and usability
- New: Android 7 Nougat support! Now flagship smartphones and tablets will not be left without our application because it supports more than 50 varieties of phones from 10 leading manufacturers with Android upgraded on them to version 7.
- Improvement: a new style for the interface in version 6! Check out the new appearance of the application.
IV. Accounts section:
- Improvement: a new light appearance for the Accounts window.
- Improvement: transfers and currency exchanges are now displayed in a separate column. The old In Brief and In Detail tables now have the Other Transactions columns that show the sums of all transactions except for expenses and incomes.
- Improvement: no more slight confusion in the Expense and Income columns Now you will not find any expenses where only incomes should be and vice versa. Everything is distinctly separate now and will never mix.
- Improvement: new icons for accounts. Now every account has a small icon image for quick navigation. It will save your time when you look for what you need.
- Improvement: accounts in any order. Now you can rearrange accounts in any way instead of only sorting them alphabetically.
- Improvement: now you can temporarily hide accounts you do not use. Now it is possible to hide accounts that are not active instead of deleting them.
A new version of the Home Bookkeeping for Android has been released!
We have adapted the appearance of Home Bookkeeping for bright themes. Switch your theme to bright in Home Bookkeeping's settings and enjoy Home Bookkeeping's new look!
A new version of the Home Bookkeeping for Android has been released!
- Visual reports added! Choose what works best for your analysis: pie charts, column histograms or regular tables.
- Updated the report format for tables. They will now adapt to your smartphone or tablet's screen to show the maximum of useful content.
A new version of the Home Bookkeeping for Android has been released!
- For those who don't like changing habits, we have replaced the main window. You can turn it on in the settings. Settings -> Show on entry
- For those who use the new interface with the side menu, the settings now contain an option for selecting the section that will be shown first upon logging into the application, for example "Expenses"
- The planning function now begins to operate after waking up the "after sleep" application
- We added the ability to use Google Disk with Android 6
Home Bookkeeping for Android now saves even more Time!
We did some work on improving the application's appearance. We shortened the time it takes you to access the item you need in the application by eliminating the main navigation screen by topics. It has been replaced by a left side menu.
Home Bookkeeping - now for Android 6.0!
We have added support for the latest version of Android, adapted the interface for it and released an updated account widget that can control and monitor accounts.
Version 5.4 (Build 182) - August 2015
- The button for adding operations is now in the lower-right corner of the screen in the Material Design style
- The application is now more stable and all detected bugs have been fixed
Version 5.3 (Build 163) - February 2015
- Welcome the new version of Home Bookkeeping with an updated interface.
- Android 5 is now supported.
- The application is now more stable and all detected bugs have been fixed.
- We have done a lot and now Home Bookkeeping is even easier and more comfortable to use!
Version 5.2 (Build 108) - May 2013
- Now it is possible to synchronize the database of Home Bookkeeping for Android with that of Home Bookkeeping for PC via the Internet with the help of Google Drive.
- Now it is possible to synchronize the database of Home Bookkeeping for Android with that of Home Bookkeeping for PC via LAN (SMB), which makes it possible to synchronize the database via Wi-Fi.
- The function of selecting categories and subcategories in all cards has been enhanced.
- Now it is possible to activate scheduled expenses and incomes before the scheduled date is due.
- The synchronization file and database backup files are now stored encrypted.
- The database backup system has been enhanced.
- Sums of monetary units are now displayed according to the locale settings of the mobile device.
- Due to compression, the synchronization file and backup files are now transferred faster.
- The password reminding system has been enhanced.
Version 5.1 (Build 98) - February 2013
- In response to the increased number of complaints about Home Bookkeeping requiring another payment, we have added instructions how to install Home Bookkeeping purchased from Google Play correctly in case it informs you that it is not licensed and asks you to make another payment
- The system of synchronization with Home Bookkeeping for Windows via Dropbox has been enhanced
- Two new themes for Android 4 are now available
- The bug in the currency exchange rate window has been fixed
- The bug that caused the application to close with an error on some devices has been fixed
Version 5.1 (Build 93) - December 2012
- The bug that caused the application to close right after its launch on some mobile devices has been fixed
- The bug that sometimes caused the application to close right after its launch has been fixed
- The bug that interfered with adding a new user in the Home Bookkeeping User Manager has been fixed
Version 5.1 (Build 90) - December 2012
- Now it is possible to synchronize the database of Home Bookkeeping for Android with that of Home Bookkeeping for PC via the Internet with the help of Dropbox without using a USB cable.
- Now it is possible to save database backup copies in a Dropbox folder on the Internet.
- Widgets making it to possible to quickly add expenses and incomes have been created.
- Now it is compatible with the Android 4 interface view.
- Now it is possible to show the "Add" and "Filter" buttons on the screen instead of the menu.
- Font sizes have been changed for a more convenient view.
- Now it is possible to enable/disable the confirmation request when you delete records from tables.
Version 5 (Build 78) - September 2012
- The title bar of the main window now shows the username you have used when logging into Home Bookkeeping.
- The bug in the synchronization system has been fixed.
- The bug that caused an incorrect synchronization error on some devices running under Android 2.x has been fixed.
- The bug that caused a backup system error on some devices running under Android 2.x has been fixed.
- The bug in the filter of the window with scheduled expenses has been fixed.
- The bug in the filters of scheduling expenses and incomes has been fixed.
- The bug in the "Account Balances" report has been fixed.
Version 5 (Build 72) - July 2012
- The bug in the calculation of the "Account Details" table has been fixed.
- The bug in the calculation of sums in reports has been fixed.
- The grouping bug in the "Account Balances" report has been fixed.
- The bug that caused an error while scrolling data in the windows with scheduled expenses and incomes.
Version 5 (Build 71) - June 2012
- Detected bugs have been fixed.
Version 5 (Build 69) - June 2012
- The final version of Home Bookkeeping for Android has been released.